UM Geospatial Digital Special Collections

2021 Miami-Dade ACS 5 Year Estimates - Block Group - DVMT

Collections: Census
Citation: Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau (2022). 2021 Miami-Dade ACS 5 Year Estimates - Block Group - DVMT [gis dataset]. Department of Commerce. last updated: 2024-05-01 (update frequency: Never). Abstract: A special collection of aggregated columns from the 2021 5-year ACS variables at the census block-group level selected for use with the Displacement Vulnerability Mitigation Tool (DVMT). Please see the column metadata for the description of the columns. Key words: Miami-Dade County, Census, ACS 2021, 2021, 5-Year Estimates, Tract, Census Block Group, Demographic, Housing, Property, Population, DVMT
Name Description Type Units
total_population Total population in census tract integer people
persons_4_years_old_and_younger Number of people 4 years old and younger integer people
age_of_5_and_19 Number of people with age of 5 to 20 integer people
persons_between_the_age_of_20_and_64 Number of people between the age of 20 and 65 integer people
persons_65_years_old_and_over Number of people 65 years old and over integer people
white_alone Number of people who identify as white alone integer people
black_or_african_american_alone Number of people who identify as black or African American alone integer people
american_indian_and_alaska_native_alone Number of people who identify as American Indian and Alaska Native alone integer people
asian_alone Number of people who identify as Asian alone integer people
pacific_islander Number of people who identify as pacific islander integer people
some_other_race Number of people who identify as some other race integer people
two_or_more_races Number of people who identify as two or more races integer people
hispanic_or_latino__any_race Number of people who identify as Hispanic or Latino any race integer people
white_alone__not_hispanic_or_latino Number of people who identify as white alone and not Hispanic or latino integer people
high_school_degree__ged_or_lower Number of people with high school degree, GED, or lower integer people
some_college__no_degree Number of people with some college but no degree integer people
associates_degree Number of people with associates degree integer people
bachelors_degree Number of people with bachelors degree integer people
graduate_professional_degree Number of people with graduate professional degree integer people
median_income_of_residents Median income of residents in US dollars integer usd
median_monthly_housing_costs Median monthly housing costs in US dollars integer usd
median_monthly_owner_costs Median monthly owner costs in US dollars integer usd
median_monthly_renter_costs Median monthly renter costs in US dollars integer usd
median_monthly_owner_costs__percent_household_income Median monthly owner costs as percent household income real percent
median_monthly_renter_costs__percent_household_income Median monthly renter costs as percent household income real percent
aggregate_household_income Aggregate household income in US dollars integer usd
households_below_poverty_level Number of households below poverty level integer households
medicare_recipients Number of people that are medicare recipients integer people
total_medicaid_recipients Total number of people that are medicaid recipients integer people
total_snap_recipients Total number of people that are snap recipients integer people
armed_forces_veterans Number of people that are armed forces veterans integer people
total_number_of_disabled_residents Total number of people that are disabled residents integer people
total_housing_units Total number of housing units integer housing units
total_single_family_houses Total number of single family houses integer houses
total_duplex_multiple_units__less_than_10_units Total number of duplex multiple units with less than 10 units integer structures
number_of_housing_structures_with_10_19_units Number of housing structures with 10 to 19 units integer structures
number_of_housing_structures_with_20_49_units Number of housing structures with 20 to 49 units integer structures
number_of_housing_structures_with_50_or_more_units Number of housing structures with 50 or more units integer structures
housing_tenancy__owner_occupied_housing_units Number of owner occupied housing units integer housing units
housing_tenancy__renter_occupied_housing_units Number of renter occupied housing units integer housing units
Open Geospatial Consortium Standards: vector tiles | WMS (coming soon) | WFS (coming soon) Analytical Functions: gdsc_get_attributes(tablename=mdc_2021_acs_5yr_bg_dvmt,lat=25.718,lng=-80.279,identifier=geoid,attrs=[total_population,persons_4_years_old_and_younger,age_of_5_and_19,persons_between_the_age_of_20_and_64,persons_65_years_old_and_over,white_alone,black_or_african_american_alone,american_indian_and_alaska_native_alone,asian_alone,pacific_islander,some_other_race,two_or_more_races,hispanic_or_latino__any_race,white_alone__not_hispanic_or_latino,high_school_degree__ged_or_lower,some_college__no_degree,associates_degree,bachelors_degree,graduate_professional_degree,median_income_of_residents,median_monthly_housing_costs,median_monthly_owner_costs,median_monthly_renter_costs,median_monthly_owner_costs__percent_household_income,median_monthly_renter_costs__percent_household_income,aggregate_household_income,households_below_poverty_level,medicare_recipients,total_medicaid_recipients,total_snap_recipients,armed_forces_veterans,total_number_of_disabled_residents,total_housing_units,total_single_family_houses,total_duplex_multiple_units__less_than_10_units,number_of_housing_structures_with_10_19_units,number_of_housing_structures_with_20_49_units,number_of_housing_structures_with_50_or_more_units,housing_tenancy__owner_occupied_housing_units,housing_tenancy__renter_occupied_housing_units],normal='')