2021 Miami-Dade ACS 5 Year Estimates - Tract Level - DVMT
Census | DVMT
Department of Commerce,
U.S. Census Bureau
2021 Miami-Dade ACS 5 Year Estimates - Tract Level - DVMT [gis dataset].
Department of Commerce.
last updated: 2024-10-28
(update frequency: Never).
Abstract: A special collection of aggregated columns from the 2021 5-year ACS variables at the census tract level selected for use with the Displacement Vulnerability Mitigation Tool (DVMT). Please see the column metadata for the description of the columns.
Key words:
Miami-Dade County, Census, ACS, 2021, 5-Year Estimates, Tract, Census Tract, Demographic, Housing, Property, Population, DVMT
Open Geospatial Consortium Standards:
dynamic vector tiles |
| WMS (coming soon) | WFS (coming soon)
ESRI Standards:
ArcGIS MapServer |
ArcGIS FeatureServer |
Open in ArcGIS Portal for GDSC
Analytical Functions:
Name | Description | Type | Units |
total_population | Total population in census tract | integer | people |
persons_4_years_old_and_younger | Number of people 4 years old and younger | integer | people |
age_of_5_and_19 | Number of people with age of 5 to 20 | integer | people |
persons_between_the_age_of_20_and_64 | Number of people between the age of 20 and 65 | integer | people |
persons_65_years_old_and_over | Number of people 65 years old and over | integer | people |
white_alone | Number of people who identify as white alone | integer | people |
black_or_african_american_alone | Number of people who identify as black or African American alone | integer | people |
american_indian_and_alaska_native_alone | Number of people who identify as American Indian and Alaska Native alone | integer | people |
asian_alone | Number of people who identify as Asian alone | integer | people |
pacific_islander | Number of people who identify as pacific islander | integer | people |
some_other_race | Number of people who identify as some other race | integer | people |
two_or_more_races | Number of people who identify as two or more races | integer | people |
hispanic_or_latino__any_race | Number of people who identify as Hispanic or Latino any race | integer | people |
white_alone__not_hispanic_or_latino | Number of people who identify as white alone and not Hispanic or latino | integer | people |
high_school_degree__ged_or_lower | Number of people with high school degree, GED, or lower | integer | people |
some_college__no_degree | Number of people with some college but no degree | integer | people |
associates_degree | Number of people with associates degree | integer | people |
bachelors_degree | Number of people with bachelors degree | integer | people |
graduate_professional_degree | Number of people with graduate professional degree | integer | people |
median_income_of_residents | Median income of residents in US dollars | integer | usd |
median_monthly_housing_costs | Median monthly housing costs in US dollars | integer | usd |
median_monthly_owner_costs | Median monthly owner costs in US dollars | integer | usd |
median_monthly_renter_costs | Median monthly renter costs in US dollars | integer | usd |
median_monthly_owner_costs__percent_household_income | Median monthly owner costs as percent household income | real | percent |
median_monthly_renter_costs__percent_household_income | Median monthly renter costs as percent household income | real | percent |
aggregate_household_income | Aggregate household income in US dollars | integer | usd |
households_below_poverty_level | Number of households below poverty level | integer | households |
medicare_recipients | Number of people that are medicare recipients | integer | people |
total_medicaid_recipients | Total number of people that are medicaid recipients | integer | people |
total_snap_recipients | Total number of people that are snap recipients | integer | people |
armed_forces_veterans | Number of people that are armed forces veterans | integer | people |
total_number_of_disabled_residents | Total number of people that are disabled residents | integer | people |
total_housing_units | Total number of housing units | integer | housing units |
total_single_family_houses | Total number of single family houses | integer | houses |
total_duplex_multiple_units__less_than_10_units | Total number of duplex multiple units with less than 10 units | integer | structures |
number_of_housing_structures_with_10_19_units | Number of housing structures with 10 to 19 units | integer | structures |
number_of_housing_structures_with_20_49_units | Number of housing structures with 20 to 49 units | integer | structures |
number_of_housing_structures_with_50_or_more_units | Number of housing structures with 50 or more units | integer | structures |
housing_tenancy__owner_occupied_housing_units | Number of owner occupied housing units | integer | housing units |
housing_tenancy__renter_occupied_housing_units | Number of renter occupied housing units | integer | housing units |
Type | URL | Size |
sql | mdc_2021_acs_5yr_tract_dvmt.sql.tar.bz | TBD |