UM Geospatial Digital Special Collections

Miami-Dade Building Footprints

Collections: Miami-Dade Climate Resilience
Citation: Miami-Dade County (2017). Miami-Dade Building Footprints [gis dataset]. University of Miami GDSC. last updated: 2024-05-01 (update frequency: As needed). Abstract: This feature class has been updated to illustrate the buildings planimetric in 2018 within the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) and outside the UDB, approximately 969 square miles. Key words: Miami-Dade County, Building, Building Footprint
Name Description Type Units
objectid Unique object identifer oid
uniqueid: Unique identifier for building MDC
source Source for building footprints {L, P} where L = LiDAR, P = MDC Planimetric string
yearupdate Year updated small integer
type Small or large building type string
height Height of building double
shape_area Building footprint area double
shape_length Building footprint length double
Open Geospatial Consortium Standards: vector tiles | WMS (coming soon) | WFS (coming soon) Analytical Functions: gdsc_get_attributes(tablename=mdc_building_footprints,lat=25.718,lng=-80.279,identifier=objectid,attrs=[objectid,uniqueid: Unique identifier for building,source,yearupdate,type,height,shape_area,shape_length],normal='')