UM Geospatial Digital Special Collections

Miami-Dade Hospitals

Collections: DVMT
Citation: Miami-Dade County, Florida (2022). Miami-Dade Hospitals [gis dataset]. Miami-Dade County. last updated: 2024-05-01 (update frequency: As Needed). Abstract: A point feature class of the hospital facilities within Miami-Dade County. Key words: Florida, Miami-Dade County, MDC, Health, Emergency, Hospital, Wellness, Medical, Public-Safety, Infrastructure
Name Description Type Units
objectid Internal feature number oid
folio Folio identifier string
name Name of hospital string
address Address string
city City string
zipcode Zipcode integer
phone Phone number string
bed Amount of beds integer
lat Latitude double
lon Longitude double
point_x X-coordinate double
point_y Y-coordinate double
Open Geospatial Consortium Standards: vector tiles | WMS (coming soon) | WFS (coming soon) ESRI Standards: ArcGIS MapServer | ArcGIS FeatureServer | Open in ArcGIS Portal for GDSC Analytical Functions: gdsc_nearest_neighbor(table=mdc_hospitals,lat=25.718,lng=-80.279,id=name)